17 research outputs found

    Komputasi Gui Untuk Inferensi Vektor Mean Dan Inferensi Matriks Kovariansi Dengan Menggunakan Software R

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    Multivariate statistics is a branch of statistical science that discuss the analysis for multivariable case. Some analysis in multivariate statistics are discussing about inferences, there are inferences about mean vector and inferences of covariance matrices. Along with the development of technology, to support statistical analysis from both of inferences is requiring a statistical software, R is one of it with open source based. R is often used in statistical computing with command line interface (CLI) as the interface. In implementation, CLI requires the R user to remember names of used syntax and function. It makes less effective when the inferences have many related statistical analysis, so graphical user interface (GUI) needed to giving an easy way to accessing all of it. Testing for mean vectors of two populations will be performed using S. Rockiki's data about measures of oxygen consumption for 25 males and 25 females. Results about assumptions showing both populations are normal multivariate distributed and have different covariannce matrix. The conclusion from the testing for mean vectors of two populations has performed is both populations have different mean vectors. There are packages are used on construction of GUI in R, including gdata, tcltk2, and devtools with additional software like Rtools and ActivePerl. The GUI has four main menus such as File, Analysis, Plot, and Help. Based on GUI USAge, the GUI has been able to processing the chosen analysis and showing valid output.

    Perlakuan Biji Pepaya Dalam Larutan 3-Indolebutyric Acid, Absicic Acid Dan Ukuran Polibag Terhadap Perkecambahan Dan Pertumbuhannya

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    Hasil persilangan antartanaman berdasarkan tipe seks menghasilkan segregasi dengan proporsi yang berbeda-beda.Teknik identifikasi seks sejak fase benih sangat dibutuhkan dalam upaya mempercepat siklus generasi dan efisiensiruang uji dalam uji persilangan. Penelitian ini merupakan tahap awal untuk mengidentifikasi bibit sejak dini yaitudengan memperlakukan biji dalam larutan auksin dan ABA.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh datadaya pertumbuhan bibit pepaya yang diperlakukan dengan indole bu tyric acid (IBA) dan absicic acid (ABA).Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Sumatera Barat mulai bulan Agustus 1999 sampai dengan Maret 2000. Penelitianmenggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok sebanyak tiga ulangan yang disusun secara faktorial. Untuk mendapatkanteknik identifikasi tersebut dapat didekati dengan mendiskripsikan benih semaian sampai dengan tanaman di polibag.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan IBA dan ABA berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan daun dan tinggitanaman. IBA dan ABA tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap di am e ter batang. Pada awal pertumbuhan, di am e ter batangdipengaruhi oleh tempat. Pengaruh IBA dan ABA nyata pada perkecambahan biji terutama untuk dampit, lokal kuningdan lokal jingga.Kata kunci : Carica pa paya; Biji pepaya; IBA; ABAAB STRACT. Triatminingsih. R., S. Handayani., H. Subakti., and S. Purnomo. 2002. The ef fect of IBA, ABAand con tainer size for seed ger mi na tion and seed grow ing of pa paya. This ex per i ment has been done at Solok Re -search In sti tute for Fruit Crops. Outpolynation the plant ac cord ing to sex type pro duced highly seg re ga tion. The pro -por tion of seg re gate was not the same. Iden tity of va ri ety is the main key in pa paya cross ing. Sex iden ti fi ca tiontech nique at seed ling was de manded. This tech nique can be used to accelarate re gen er a tion cy cle and ef fi ciency ontest ing the new clones. The aims of this ex per i ment was to find out the seed ger mi na tion and seed ling growth. The re -search was con ducted at West Sumatera from Au gust 1999 un til March 2000. The ex per i ment was us ing a Ran dom -ized Block De sign with three rep li ca tion. The tech nique can be worked out by mor phol ogy de scrip tion from seed lingup to the plant that was grown in a polybag. The re sults in di cated that ABA and IBA was sig nif i cant by af fect the leafgrowth and hight of stem. There was no sig nif i cantly dif fer ent on stem di am e ters. At early growth polybag sizes wassig nif i cantly af fect the stem di am e ter. IBA and ABA was af fected to the ger mi na tion of pa paya seed va ri ety, dampit,lo cal kuning and lo cal jingga

    Improvement of Rice Growth and Productivity Through Balance Application of Inorganic Fertilizer and Biofertilizer in Inceptisol Soil of Lowland Swamp Area

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    The objective of this study was to obtain a proper balance dose between biofertilizer and inorganic fertilizer in order to increase the growth and yield of rice in Inceptisol soil of lowland swamp origin. Biofertilizer was made by enriching straw compost with N2 interceptor bacteria, phosphate solvent bacteria and growth stimulator bacteria isolated from swamp lowland in South Sumatra. This study was conducted from November 2012 to March 2013 in a greenhouse. The design used was completely randomized design (CRD) factorial, with two treatment factors consisting of inorganic fertilizer (0,25, 50, 75 and 100% recommended dosage) and biofertilizer (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 kg.ha-1). The results showed that the best treatment in term of plant height at 8 weeks after planting (WAP), the maximum number of tillers, number of productive tillers, number of grains per panicle and weight of milled dry rice were obtained in combination of 75% inorganic fertilizer and 300 - 400 kg.ha-1biofertilizer

    Business analytics in industry 4.0: a systematic review

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    Recently, the term “Industry 4.0” has emerged to characterize several Information Technology and Communication (ICT) adoptions in production processes (e.g., Internet-of-Things, implementation of digital production support information technologies). Business Analytics is often used within the Industry 4.0, thus incorporating its data intelligence (e.g., statistical analysis, predictive modelling, optimization) expert system component. In this paper, we perform a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on the usage of Business Analytics within the Industry 4.0 concept, covering a selection of 169 papers obtained from six major scientific publication sources from 2010 to March 2020. The selected papers were first classified in three major types, namely, Practical Application, Reviews and Framework Proposal. Then, we analysed with more detail the practical application studies which were further divided into three main categories of the Gartner analytical maturity model, Descriptive Analytics, Predictive Analytics and Prescriptive Analytics. In particular, we characterized the distinct analytics studies in terms of the industry application and data context used, impact (in terms of their Technology Readiness Level) and selected data modelling method. Our SLR analysis provides a mapping of how data-based Industry 4.0 expert systems are currently used, disclosing also research gaps and future research opportunities.The work of P. Cortez was supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020. We would like to thank to the three anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions

    Hasil Belajar Muatan Bahasa Indonesia Tema Peduli Terhadap Makhluk Hidup Menggunakan Reward Pada Kelas IV Sdn 023 Samarinda Utara

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    Classroom action research (CAR) ini memiliki tujuan mengetahui hasil belajar muatan bahasa Indonesia siswa kelas IV SDN 023 Samarinda Utara. Dalam penelitian ini telah terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan pada hasil belajar muatan bahasa Indonesia tema peduli makhluk hidup dengan menggunakan reward pada kelas IV SDN 023 Samarinda Utara. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan sebanyak dua siklus. Tahap pelaksanaan setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, tes, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil akhir penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada siklus I hasil belajar siswa dengan nilai tes rata-rata 69,5 dengan presentase ketuntasan 60% dan presentase tidak tuntas yaitu 40%. Sedangkan pada siklus II hasil belajar siswa dengan nilai tes rata-rata 81,3 meningkat dengan  presentase ketuntasan 86,7% dan presentase tidak tuntas hanya 13,3%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi reward dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar muatan bahasa Indonesia tema peduli makhluk hidup pada siswa kelas IV SDN 023 Samarinda Utara

    Pengaruh Bimbingan Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia Siswa Kelas Tinggi di Sekolah Dasar

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    Kegiatan bimbingan belajar sangat berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia di kelas tinggi sekolah dasar. Bimbingan belajar dapat dijadikan tolok ukur keberhasilan belajar bagi para siswa sekolah dasar. Sementara itu hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain faktor internal dan faktor eksternal siswa. Penelitian ini berfokus pada bimbingan belajar yang memengaruhi hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia siswa kelas V di SD Negeri 002 Sungai Pinang Kota Samarinda. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian ex post facto, karena tidak ada kontrol terhadap variabel bebas dan peneliti tidak mengadakan pengaturan atau manipulasi terhadap variabel bebas. Pada penelitian ini terdiri atas dua variabel, yaitu satu variabel bebas dan satu variabel terikat. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah bimbingan belajar (X). Sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia (Y). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan hasil analisis dapat diketahui dari hasil perhitungan uji hipotesis T diperoleh hasil bimbingan belajar dan hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia Thitung adalah 4,451 dengan Ttabel 1,701 sehingga dapat ditulis Thitung < Ttabel (4,451 < 1,701) yang dapat diartikan Ha diterima dan pada angket bimbingan belajar dan hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia, maka didapatkan Thitung adalah 2,541 dengan Ttabel 1,701 sehingga dapat ditulis Thitun